Ed Wolan first began strength training back in the 70’s where he was personally trained by Arthur Jones and Dr Ellington Darden.
It is little wonder that Ed’s invention, the CARRYGYM, was built with each of these strength training principles in mind.
Exercises properly performed with the CARRYGYM using the principles of training established by Arthur Jones, produces results quickly and efficiently. A clear understanding of the following principles will assure you the best possible results from your CARRYGYM exercise program.
Ed recommends using these Training Principles when strength training with CARRYGYM.
The building of strength is proportionate to the intensity of exercise. The higher the intensity the better the muscles are stimulated. Performing a CarryGym exercise to the point of momentary muscular failure assures that you’ve trained to maximum intensity. Muscular failure occurs when no additional repetitions are possible. Only by working to this extent can your engage a maximum number of muscle fibers.
The first few repetitions using CarryGym are merely preparation and do little to increase strength. Because the intensity is low, these repetitions are of limited value. The final repetitions are productive because the intensity is high.
The cornerstone of CarryGym training is progression. Progression means increasing the workload during every training session. With each workout you should try to add another repetition, increase resistance or both. Experience has shown that at least 8 reps and not more than 12 should be performed. If you cannot achieve 8 reps, the resistance is too heavy. If you can perform more than 12 reps, it is not heavy enough. When you are able to perform twelve repetitions or more it is time to increase the resistance on CarryGym by approximately 5% at the next workout.
Form refers to speed and range of movement and is very important to your CarryGym training program. When repetitions are performed in a slow smooth manner, steady force is applied throughout the entire movement. When a resistance is jerked or thrown, three or four times the actual force required to move the resistance is directed at the joints and muscles. This is ineffective and dangerous. The range of movement of each repetition–from full extension to full flexion–should be as complete as possible. To contract fully, however, a muscle must produce a full range of movement. When the movement resulting from muscular contraction is less than full-range, the entire length of the muscle is not involved. Performance is improved and the possibility of injury is minimized when the muscles have been strengthened in every position through full range of movement.
Accentuate the Negative
For best results each repetition should be performed in a negative-emphasized manner. Like all forms of strength training CarryGym exercises require the raising and lowering of resistance. When you raise the weight stack/use more CarryGym bands you’re moving against the resistance of gravity and performing positive work. Lowering a weight under control brings gravity into play and is referred to as negative work. If it takes two seconds to lift a weight smoothly it should take about four seconds to lower it.
Between CarryGym workouts you should rest at least 48 hours but not more than 96 hours. High-intensity CarryGym exercise causes a complex chemical reaction inside a muscle. If given time the muscle will compensate by causing certain cells to get bigger and stronger. High-intensity exercise is, therefore, necessary to stimulate muscular growth but it is not the only requirement. Time and rest are also important as the stimulated muscle must be given time to recover and grow. An every-other-day, three-times-per-week CarryGym program will also provide the body with the needed irregularity of training.
Keeping Records
You should keep accurate records of workout-by-workout progress. This can be done on a card that lists the exercises with ample space to the right for recording the date, resistance, repetitions and training time.